GSmart MOOC - Module 1 - introduction

Welcome to GSmart Training Program. It is dedicated to educators who teach adult learners. In the form of a self-study guide/manual, the GSmart Project Partners present the course on how to teach about cultivating a new culture for cross-generational collaboration. 

By cross-generational collaboration, we understand the ability of different-age people to partner in two domains: every life and working life (no industry specified). We proved that it is a paramount issue in contemporary societies through the GSmart Research. It includes three parts:


Did you know that the GSmart Research (IO1) respondents most frequently indicate trust, openness to experience, calmness, amicability, and honesty as personality traits essential for collaboration between generations? More - here.

The Research outcomes supported us in constructing the first part of the course, i.e., a model for cross-generational collaboration. Like the whole GSmart course, the Cross-Generational Collaboration (CGC) Model is a framework. We propose an easily adjustable 'chassis.' Its parameters can be fine-tuned. The needs of the adults who learn to collaborate cross-generationally will indicate critical conditions and scope for the customization process. In other words, we decided to follow the flexible 'on-demand' approach - GSmart is agile.


Did you know that in the CGC Model (IO2), over twenty social competences constitute the basis for bridging the gap between different generations? Amongst them, collaboration and teamwork as fundamental! More - here.

Having formulated the CGC Model based on the GSmart Research, the GSmart Partners continued with practical course parts. We collaborated on Hybrid Activities and elaborated on Innovative Pedagogy Workshops. The former includes examples and competences tailored to GSmart's needs. The latter consists of innovative pedagogical methods, along with social learning. The elaboration includes:

They constitute a crucial part of the course and provide the educators with yet another opportunity to follow the 'take-the-best' strategy - for their cross-generationally collaborating adult learners.


Did you know that in GSmart, transmedia, i.e., more than one media used in Hybrid Activities (IO2) and Innovative Pedagogy Workshops (IO2), allow for more efficient information transfer? Online & face-to-face activities foster cross-generational collaboration, and various means of digital communication make the training program relevant and up-to-date. A special plug-in (IO2) connects different platforms: EDUECA & Google Workspace. More - here & here.

All course parts are merged within the GSmart MOOC – blended training program. It is a companion that aims at instructing educators on the know-how to use the above-mentioned GSmart solutions to work with adult learners on cross-generational collaboration. Figuratively, the IO1 and IO2 are GSmart's software. MOOC is GSmart's interface. It helps GSmart's end-user – an educator – operate the software.

The training program has been structured into five parts – four Modules and a Follow-Up. 

GSmart Partners use their expertise and social and teaching experience in the modules to present implementations for educational practice. MOOC activities directed to the educators have been designed on a specific GSmart three-level taxonomy:

Follow-up allows interested educators to exchange ideas with other specialists who work with adult learners on cross-generational collaboration.


Did you know that GSmart MOOC (IO3) contains a specific educational path to take the most from the GSmart blend? It is a tool that supports educators in 'one-reason-decision making' - a convenient way of training session preparation. Take your time to analyze the possibilities. More - below.

GSmart MOOC Structure & Educational Paths

It is an innovative training program on how to teach adult learners
collaborate cross-generationally.

In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at:

Remember to subscribe to GSmart's YouTube Channel.
